2:41 AM

Love and Happiness

Mood: Happy
Music: Caribbean Blue by Enya
Time/Date: Thursday, July 23rd, 2009/2:41AM

I am not perfect, I admit this freely. Ask the right person(s) and they will tell you some instant of me being a bitch to them - it's probably true - but ask me and I'll tell you why. With this caveat in mind, I ask you the following question:

Have you ever met someone with a nasty personality that is rude to most people, disregards basic social behaviour, is arrogant, a show off, a bully, and treats those who can do nothing for him in life poorly?

Whenever I meet people like this, I react differently depending on circumstance or my mood.
This evening, my reaction was amusement, not only because I was in the right in the circumstance - but because I got a mental flash.
I saw a man who hates his life and takes it out on those he thinks are below him (that would be me in this case) because it's the only way he can feel superior in his miserable life.
I realized that I was in the clear on this - not only because I was right in the situation - but because I am not the only person who has a problem with him, or has been treated poorly by him. So many others cannot be wrong.

I saw a man who is probably miserable in his family life (the family he was born to, and the family he has himself), who is clearly of a certain age and not advancing at work (he brags about working at a car company, but I don't see him driving a company car everyday which must be a pain to someone as materialistic as him), who feels the need to brag that he owns 3 apartments in the strata I live in (they are in fact owned by his family, not him), the mother of his children is nowhere to be seen (so I assume she has left him or is dead).

So in essence, he is shit on by his family, he is shit on at work, he is shit on at home by his neighbours who do not respect him and he must feel incredibly inferior with women because I have never seen one walk proudly by his side in the evenings/mornings as he makes his way to/from his apartment.

When he behaved so crassly to me this evening, then ran upstairs to gossip to the like minded busy body neighbours (and was overheard being told "I know, but..." in reply to what lies he spouted) - I had to laugh.
Really, I had to.
He can be a nasty bully all he wants - I don't care enough to be angry for one simple reason: love.

My life is not perfect, but it is clearly much better than his.
I am surrounded by people who love me and care for me; more importantly - I love myself.
At the end of the day, I don't mind being alone because I like my own company - in fact I often spend a lot of time alone because I love my space.

People like him serve a purpose: to remind me how truly blessed I am, and to remind me never to be angry, bitter, burdensome, or brute.
The energy it takes to be like that, can be better spent living, loving and being.
So as I told my neighbour how rude he was to me when asked, I giggled as I recounted the incident. I told my neighbour I didn't care about his behaviour. I'm happy and he can't change that.
Then I sauntered off to enjoy the rest of my night.

Btw, date night was great.
I made a simple dinner, then we ventured out.
Sipped on a strawberry margarita, had a warm brownie, listened to some great live music and had great conversation with my friend.
There is nothing better than cold drinks and warm conversation on a balmy summer night.

"Be happy for this moment, this moment is your life." - Omar Khayyam


Photo Credit: Cosmo Says "Relax"; Date Unavailable